This project is in the process of being donated to the CNCF and is not affiliated with the Kubernetes project.


Package: Types:

Source File:


Represents global settings for all the Gloo components.

"discoveryNamespace": string
"watchNamespaces": []string
"refreshRate": .google.protobuf.Duration
"watchNamespaceSelectors": []
Field Type Description
discoveryNamespace string This is the namespace to which Gloo controllers will write their own resources, e.g. discovered Upstreams or default Gateways. If empty, this will default to “kgateway-system”.
watchNamespaces []string Use this setting to restrict the namespaces that Gloo controllers take into consideration when watching for resources.In a usual production scenario, RBAC policies will limit the namespaces that Gloo has access to. If watch_namespaces contains namespaces outside of this whitelist, Gloo will fail to start. If not set, this defaults to all available namespaces. Please note that, the discovery_namespace will always be included in this list. If this is specified, it overwrites the watch_namespace_selectors specified.
kubernetesConfigSource Only one of kubernetesConfigSource, directoryConfigSource, or consulKvSource can be set.
directoryConfigSource Only one of directoryConfigSource, kubernetesConfigSource, or consulKvSource can be set.
kubernetesSecretSource Only one of kubernetesSecretSource, vaultSecretSource, or directorySecretSource can be set.
directorySecretSource Only one of directorySecretSource, kubernetesSecretSource, or vaultSecretSource can be set.
secretOptions Settings for secrets storage. This API is beta and should be tested thoroughly before production use.
kubernetesArtifactSource Only one of kubernetesArtifactSource, directoryArtifactSource, or consulKvArtifactSource can be set.
directoryArtifactSource Only one of directoryArtifactSource, kubernetesArtifactSource, or consulKvArtifactSource can be set.
refreshRate .google.protobuf.Duration How frequently to resync watches, etc.
discovery Options for configuring Gloo’s Discovery service.
gloo Options for configuring gloo, the core Gloo controller, which serves dynamic configuration to Envoy.
gateway Options for configuring gateway, the Gateway Gloo controller, which enables the VirtualService/Gateway API in Gloo.
kubernetes Options to configure Gloo’s integration with Kubernetes.
extensions Extensions will be passed along from Listeners, Gateways, VirtualServices, Routes, and Route tables to the underlying Proxy, making them useful for controllers, validation tools, etc. which interact with kubernetes yaml. Some sample use cases: * controllers, deployment pipelines, helm charts, etc. which wish to use extensions as a kind of opaque metadata. * In the future, Gloo may support gRPC-based plugins which communicate with the Gloo translator out-of-process. Opaque Extensions enables development of out-of-process plugins without requiring recompiling & redeploying Gloo’s API.
metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource.
namespacedStatuses NamespacedStatuses indicates the validation status of this resource. NamespacedStatuses is read-only by clients, and set by gloo during validation.
upstreamOptions Default configuration to use for upstreams, when not provided by specific upstream When these properties are defined on an upstream, this configuration will be ignored.
watchNamespaceSelectors [] A list of Kubernetes selectors that specify the set of namespaces to restrict the namespaces that Gloo controllers take into consideration when watching for resources. Elements in the list are disjunctive (OR semantics), i.e. a namespace will be included if it matches any selector. The following example selects any namespace that matches either below: 1. The namespace has both of these labels: env: prod and region: us-east1 2. The namespace has label app equal to cassandra or spark. yaml watchNamespaceSelectors: - matchLabels: env: prod region: us-east1 - matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - cassandra - spark However, if the match conditions are part of the same same list item, the namespace must match all conditions. yaml watchNamespaceSelectors: - matchLabels: env: prod region: us-east1 matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - cassandra - spark Refer to the Kubernetes selector docs for additional detail on selector semantics.


"sources": []
Field Type Description
sources [] Required. List of configured secret sources. These clients will be sorted and initialized in a stable order kubernetes > directory > vault.


Field Type Description
kubernetes Only one of kubernetes, vault, or directory can be set.
directory Only one of directory, kubernetes, or vault can be set.


Use Kubernetes CRDs as storage.

Field Type Description


Use Kubernetes as storage for secret data.

Field Type Description


Use Kubernetes ConfigMaps as storage.

Field Type Description


As an alternative to Kubernetes CRDs, Gloo is able to store resources in a local file system. This option determines the root of the directory tree used to this end.

"directory": string
Field Type Description
directory string


Field Type Description


"enabled": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"watchLabels": map<string, string>
Field Type Description
enabled .google.protobuf.BoolValue Enable upstream discovery service. Defaults to true.
watchLabels map<string, string> Map of labels to watch. Only services which match all of the selectors specified here will be discovered by UDS.


"graphqlEnabled": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
graphqlEnabled .google.protobuf.BoolValue Enable function discovery service on GraphQL gRPC and OpenApi upstreams. Defaults to true.


Possible modes for running the function discovery service (FDS). FDS polls services in-cluster for Swagger and gRPC endpoints. This behavior can be controlled with the use of annotations. FdsMode specifies what policy FDS will use when determining which services to poll.

Name Description
BLACKLIST In BLACKLIST mode (default), FDS will poll all services in cluster except those services labeled with This label can also be used on namespaces to apply to all services within a namespace which are not explicitly whitelisted. Note that kube-system and kube-public namespaces must be explicitly whitelisted even in blacklist mode.
WHITELIST In WHITELIST mode, FDS will poll only services in cluster labeled with This label can also be used on namespaces to apply to all services which are not explicitly blacklisted within a namespace.
DISABLED In DISABLED mode, FDS will not run.


service discovery options for Consul

"dataCenters": []string
Field Type Description
dataCenters []string Use this parameter to restrict the data centers that will be considered when discovering and routing to services. If not provided, Gloo will use all available data centers.


Provides overrides for the default configuration parameters used to interact with Kubernetes.

Field Type Description


Provides settings related to the observability pod’s interactions with grafana

"defaultDashboardFolderId": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value
"dashboardPrefix": string
"extraMetricQueryParameters": string
Field Type Description
defaultDashboardFolderId .google.protobuf.UInt32Value (UInt32Value) Grafana allows dashboards to be added to specific folders by specifying that folder’s ID If unset, automatic upstream dashboards are generated in the general folder (folderId: 0). If set, the observability deployment will try to create/move all upstreams without their own folderId to the folder specified here, after verifying that a folder with such an ID exists. Be aware that grafana requires a folders ID, which should not be confused with the similarly-named and more easily accessible folder UID value. If individual upstream dashboards need to be placed specific granafa folders, they can be given their own folder IDs by annotating the upstreams. The annotation key must be ‘’ and the value must be the folder ID. Folder IDs can be retrieved from grafana with a pair of terminal commands: 1. Port forward the grafana deployment to surface its API: kubectl -n kgateway-system port-forward deployment/glooe-grafana 3000 2. Request all folder data (after admin:admin is replaced with the correct credentials): curl http://admin:admin@localhost:3000/api/folders.
dashboardPrefix string The prefix of the UIDs and Titles for all dashboards created on grafana. This is restricted to 20 characters.
extraMetricQueryParameters string Extra parameters when querying metrics from Grafana dashboards. This string will be appended to every query for metrics in the definition of all gloo managed dashboards. It can consist of multiple query parameters separated by a comma. For example cluster="some-cluster",gateway_proxy_id="proxy-2".


"labelToPath": map<string, string>
Field Type Description
labelToPath map<string, string> Each (key, value) pair in the map defines a label to be applied. Keys specify the name of the label (e.g. “namespace”). Values specify the jsonpath ( string corresponding to the field of a resource to use as the label value (e.g. “{.metadata.namespace}”). For example, if labelToPath = {name: ‘{}’, namespace: ‘{.metadata.namespace}’} for, the following metric would be produced: validation_gateway_solo_io_upstream_config_status{name=“default-petstore-8080”,namespace=“kgateway-system”} 0.


A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values. Copied from Kubernetes to avoid expensive dependency on Kubernetes libraries. Ref:

"matchLabels": map<string, string>
"matchExpressions": []
Field Type Description
matchLabels map<string, string> matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed. +optional.
matchExpressions [] matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. +optional.


A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values. Copied from Kubernetes to avoid expensive dependency on Kubernetes libraries. Ref:

"key": string
"operator": string
"values": []string
Field Type Description
key string key is the label key that the selector applies to. +patchMergeKey=key +patchStrategy=merge.
operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch. +optional.


Default configuration to use for upstreams, when not provided by a specific upstream When these properties are defined on a specific upstream, this configuration will be ignored

"globalAnnotations": map<string, string>
Field Type Description
sslParameters Default ssl parameter configuration to use for upstreams.
globalAnnotations map<string, string> Annotations to apply to all upstreams.


Settings specific to the gloo (Envoy xDS server) controller

"xdsBindAddr": string
"validationBindAddr": string
"endpointsWarmingTimeout": .google.protobuf.Duration
"disableKubernetesDestinations": bool
"disableGrpcWeb": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"disableProxyGarbageCollection": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"regexMaxProgramSize": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value
"restXdsBindAddr": string
"enableRestEds": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"failoverUpstreamDnsPollingInterval": .google.protobuf.Duration
"removeUnusedFilters": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"proxyDebugBindAddr": string
"logTransformationRequestResponseInfo": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"transformationEscapeCharacters": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
xdsBindAddr string Where the gloo xDS server should bind. Defaults to
validationBindAddr string Where the gloo validation server should bind. Defaults to
circuitBreakers Default circuit breaker configuration to use for upstream requests, when not provided by specific upstream.
endpointsWarmingTimeout .google.protobuf.Duration Timeout to get initial snapshot of resources. If set to zero, Gloo will not wait for initial snapshot - if nonzero and gloo could not fetch it’s initial snapshot before the timeout reached, gloo will panic. If unset, Gloo defaults to 5 minutes.
invalidConfigPolicy set these options to fine-tune the way Gloo handles invalid user configuration.
disableKubernetesDestinations bool Enable or disable Gloo Edge to scan Kubernetes services in the cluster and create in-memory Upstream resources to represent them. These resources enable Gloo Edge to route requests to a Kubernetes service. Note that if you have a large number of services in your cluster and you do not restrict the namespaces that Gloo Edge watches, the API snapshot increases which can have a negative impact on the Gloo Edge translation time. In addition, load balancing is done in kube-proxy which can have further performance impacts. Using Gloo Upstreams as a routing destination bypasses kube-proxy as the request is routed to the pod directly. Alternatively, you can use Kubernetes Upstream resources as a routing destination to forward requests to the pod directly.
disableGrpcWeb .google.protobuf.BoolValue Default policy for grpc-web. set to true if you do not wish grpc-web to be automatically enabled. set to false if you wish grpc-web enabled unless disabled on the listener level. If not specified, defaults to false.
disableProxyGarbageCollection .google.protobuf.BoolValue Set this option to determine the state of the envoy configuration when a virtual service is deleted, resulting in a proxy with no configured routes. set to true if you wish to keep envoy serving the routes from the latest valid configuration. set to false if you wish to reset the envoy configuration to a clean slate with no routes. If not specified, defaults to false.
regexMaxProgramSize .google.protobuf.UInt32Value Set this option to specify the default max program size for regexes. If not specified, defaults to 100.
restXdsBindAddr string Where the gloo REST xDS server should bind. Defaults to
enableRestEds .google.protobuf.BoolValue Whether or not to use rest xds for all EDS by default. Rest XDS, as opposed to grpc, uses http polling rather than streaming It is strongly recommended that this field be set to false, due to the superior performance of GRPC XDS.
failoverUpstreamDnsPollingInterval .google.protobuf.Duration The polling interval for the DNS server if upstream failover is configured. If there is a failover upstream address with a hostname instead of an IP, Gloo will resolve the hostname with the configured frequency to update endpoints with any changes to DNS resolution. Defaults to 10s.
removeUnusedFilters .google.protobuf.BoolValue By default gloo adds a series of filters to envoy to ensure that new routes are picked up Even if the listener previously did not have a filter on the chain previously. When set to true unused filters are not added to the chain by default. Defaults to false.
proxyDebugBindAddr string Where the gloo proxy debug server should bind. Defaults to gloo:9966.
logTransformationRequestResponseInfo .google.protobuf.BoolValue When enabled, log the request/response body and headers before and after any transformations are applied. May be useful in the case where many transformations are applied and it is difficult to determine which are causing issues. Defaults to false.
transformationEscapeCharacters .google.protobuf.BoolValue Set escapeCharacters for all TransformationTemplates on all vhosts and routes. This setting can be overridden in individual TransformationTemplates.


"enableCredentialsDiscovey": bool
"serviceAccountCredentials": .envoy.config.filter.http.aws_lambda.v2.AWSLambdaConfig.ServiceAccountCredentials
"propagateOriginalRouting": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"credentialRefreshDelay": .google.protobuf.Duration
"fallbackToFirstFunction": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
enableCredentialsDiscovey bool Enable credential discovery via IAM; when this is set, there’s no need provide a secret on the upstream when running on AWS environment. Note: This should ONLY be enabled when running in an AWS environment, as the AWS code blocks the envoy main thread. This should be negligible when running inside AWS. Only one of enableCredentialsDiscovey or serviceAccountCredentials can be set.
serviceAccountCredentials .envoy.config.filter.http.aws_lambda.v2.AWSLambdaConfig.ServiceAccountCredentials Use projected service account token, and role arn to create temporary credentials with which to authenticate lambda requests. This functionality is meant to work along side EKS service account to IAM binding functionality as outlined here: If the following environment values are not present in the gateway-proxy, this option cannot be used. 1. AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE 2. AWS_ROLE_ARN The role which will be assumed by the credentials will be the one specified by AWS_ROLE_ARN, however, this can also be overwritten in the AWS Upstream spec via the role_arn field If they are not specified envoy will NACK the config update, which will show up in the logs when running OS Gloo. When running Gloo enterprise it will be reflected in the prometheus stat: “” In order to specify the aws sts endpoint, both the cluster and uri must be set. This is due to an envoy limitation which cannot infer the host or path from the cluster, and therefore must be explicitly specified via the uri. Only one of serviceAccountCredentials or enableCredentialsDiscovey can be set.
propagateOriginalRouting .google.protobuf.BoolValue Send downstream path and method as x-envoy-original-path and x-envoy-original-method headers on the request to AWS lambda. Defaults to false.
credentialRefreshDelay .google.protobuf.Duration Sets cadence for refreshing credentials for Service Account. Does nothing if Service account is not set. Does not affect the default filewatch for service account only augments it. Defaults to not refreshing on time period. Suggested is 15 minutes.
fallbackToFirstFunction .google.protobuf.BoolValue Sets the unsafe behavior where a route can specify a lambda upstream but not set the function to target. It will use the first function which if discovery is enabled the first function is the first function name alphabetically from the last discovery run. This means that the lambda being pointed to could change. Defaults to false.


Policy for how Gloo should handle invalid config

"replaceInvalidRoutes": bool
"invalidRouteResponseCode": int
"invalidRouteResponseBody": string
Field Type Description
replaceInvalidRoutes bool if set to true, Gloo removes any routes from the provided configuration which point to a missing destination. Routes that are removed in this way will instead return a configurable direct response to clients. When routes are replaced, Gloo will configure Envoy with a special listener which serves direct responses. Note: enabling this option allows Gloo to accept partially valid proxy configurations.
invalidRouteResponseCode int replaced routes reply to clients with this response code. default is 404.
invalidRouteResponseBody string replaced routes reply to clients with this response body. default is ‘Gloo Edge has invalid configuration. Administrators should run glooctl check to find and fix config errors.’.


"appendXForwardedHost": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"enableAutoMtls": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"enableIntegration": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
appendXForwardedHost .google.protobuf.BoolValue Set to false to disable adding X-Forwarded-Host header in Istio integration Defaults to true Warning: This value is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Also, you cannot use this value with a Kubernetes Gateway API proxy.
enableAutoMtls .google.protobuf.BoolValue Set to true to enable automatic mTLS for all upstreams. Istio integration must be enabled for this to take effect. Defaults to false.
enableIntegration .google.protobuf.BoolValue Istio integration is enabled via global.istioIntegration.enabled on the helm chart. If enabled, an istio-proxy container and sds container are assumed to exist alongside the gateway proxy. These containers are created by enabling the istioIntegration.enabled option in the helm chart. Defaults to false.


Default configuration to use for VirtualServices, when not provided by a specific virtual service When these properties are defined on a specific VirtualService, this configuration will be ignored

"oneWayTls": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
oneWayTls .google.protobuf.BoolValue Default one_way_tls value to use for all virtual services where one_way_tls config has not been specified. If the SSL config has the ca.crt (root CA) provided, Gloo uses it to perform mTLS by default. Set oneWayTls to true to disable mTLS in favor of server-only TLS (one-way TLS), even if Gloo has the root CA.


Settings specific to the Gateway controller

"validationServerAddr": string
"readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces": bool
"alwaysSortRouteTableRoutes": bool
"compressedProxySpec": bool
"persistProxySpec": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"enableGatewayController": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"isolateVirtualHostsBySslConfig": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"translateEmptyGateways": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
validationServerAddr string Address of the gloo config validation server. Defaults to gloo:9988.
validation If provided, the Gateway will perform Dynamic Admission Control of Gateways, Virtual Services, and Route Tables when running in Kubernetes.
readGatewaysFromAllNamespaces bool When true, the Gateway controller will consume Gateway custom resources from all watch namespaces, rather than just the Gateway CRDs in its own namespace.
alwaysSortRouteTableRoutes bool Deprecated. This setting is ignored. Maintained for backwards compatibility with settings exposed on 1.2.x branch of Gloo.
compressedProxySpec bool If set, compresses proxy space. This can help make the Proxy CRD smaller to fit in etcd. This is an advanced option. Use with care.
virtualServiceOptions Default configuration to use for VirtualServices, when not provided by a specific virtual service When these properties are defined on a specific VirtualService, this configuration will be ignored.
persistProxySpec .google.protobuf.BoolValue Set this to persist the Proxy CRD to etcd By default, proxies are kept in memory to improve performance. Proxies can be persisted to etcd to allow external tools and other pods to read the contents the Proxy CRD.
enableGatewayController .google.protobuf.BoolValue This is set based on the install mode. It indicates to gloo whether or not it should run the gateway translations and validation.
isolateVirtualHostsBySslConfig .google.protobuf.BoolValue If set, group virtual hosts by matching ssl config, and isolate them on separate filter chains The default behavior is to aggregate all virtual hosts, and expose them on identical filter chains, each with a FilterChainMatch that corresponds to the ssl config. Individual Gateways can override this behavior by configuring the “” annotation to be a truthy (“true”, “false”) value.
translateEmptyGateways .google.protobuf.BoolValue If set, gateways will be translated into Envoy listeners even if no VirtualServices exist or match a gateway. When there are no VirtualServices that implies there are no routes to serve, so all requests will return a 404. Defaults to false. The default behavior when no VirtualServices are defined or no Gateways match a VirtualService is that the gateway is not converted into an Envoy listener.


options for configuring admission control / validation

"proxyValidationServerAddr": string
"validationWebhookTlsCert": string
"validationWebhookTlsKey": string
"ignoreGlooValidationFailure": bool
"alwaysAccept": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"allowWarnings": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"warnRouteShortCircuiting": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"disableTransformationValidation": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"validationServerGrpcMaxSizeBytes": .google.protobuf.Int32Value
"serverEnabled": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"warnMissingTlsSecret": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"fullEnvoyValidation": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
Field Type Description
proxyValidationServerAddr string Address of the gloo proxy validation grpc server. Defaults to gloo:9988. This field is required in order to enable fine-grained admission control.
validationWebhookTlsCert string Path to TLS Certificate for Kubernetes Validating webhook. Defaults to /etc/gateway/validation-certs/tls.crt.
validationWebhookTlsKey string Path to TLS Private Key for Kubernetes Validating webhook. Defaults to /etc/gateway/validation-certs/tls.key.
ignoreGlooValidationFailure bool Deprecated: the Gateway and the Gloo pods are now merged together, there are no longer requests made to a Gloo Validation server. When Gateway cannot communicate with Gloo (e.g. Gloo is offline) resources will be rejected by default. Enable the ignoreGlooValidationFailure to prevent the Validation server from rejecting resources due to network errors.
alwaysAccept .google.protobuf.BoolValue Always accept resources even if validation produced an error. Validation will still log the error and increment the stat. Currently defaults to true - must be set to false to prevent writing invalid resources to storage.
allowWarnings .google.protobuf.BoolValue Accept resources if validation produced a warning (defaults to true). By setting to false, this means that validation will start rejecting resources that would result in warnings, rather than just those that would result in errors. Note that this setting has no impact on Kubernetes Gateway API validation, as warnings will always be allowed in that context.
warnRouteShortCircuiting .google.protobuf.BoolValue Deprecated: See server_enabled and consider configuring it to false instead. Write a warning to route resources if validation produced a route ordering warning (defaults to false). By setting to true, this means that Gloo will start assigning warnings to resources that would result in route short-circuiting within a virtual host, for example: - prefix routes that make later routes unreachable - regex routes that make later routes unreachable - duplicate matchers.
disableTransformationValidation .google.protobuf.BoolValue By default gloo will attempt to validate transformations by calling out to a local envoy binary in validate mode. Calling this local envoy binary can become slow when done many times during a single validation. Setting this to true will stop gloo from calling out to envoy to validate the transformations, which may speed up the validation time considerably, but may also cause the transformation config to fail after being sent to envoy. When disabling this, ensure that your transformations are valid prior to applying them.
validationServerGrpcMaxSizeBytes .google.protobuf.Int32Value By default, gRPC validation messages between gateway and gloo pods have a max message size of 100 MB. Setting this value sets the gRPC max message size in bytes for the gloo validation server. This should only be changed if necessary. If not included, the gRPC max message size will be the default of 100 MB.
serverEnabled .google.protobuf.BoolValue By providing the validation field (parent of this object) the user is implicitly opting into validation. This field allows the user to opt out of the validation server, while still configuring pre-existing fields such as warn_route_short_circuiting and disable_transformation_validation. If not included, the validation server will be enabled.
warnMissingTlsSecret .google.protobuf.BoolValue Allows configuring validation to report a missing TLS secret referenced by a SslConfig or UpstreamSslConfig as a warning instead of an error. This will allow for eventually consistent workloads, but will also permit the accidental deletion of secrets being referenced, which would cause disruption in traffic.
fullEnvoyValidation .google.protobuf.BoolValue Configures the Gloo translation loop to send the final product of translation through Envoy validation mode. This has an negative impact on the total translation throughput, but it helps ensure the configuration will not be nacked when served to Envoy. This feature is disabled by default and is not recommended for production deployments unless the performance implications are well understood and acceptable.


"rejectBreakingChanges": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"processingRules": []
Field Type Description
rejectBreakingChanges .google.protobuf.BoolValue Schema definition updates can be considered safe, dangerous, or breaking. If this field is set to true, then breaking schema updates will be rejected. Defaults to false.
processingRules [] We use GraphQL Inspector to detect breaking changes to GraphQL schemas. This field allows for passing processing rules to GraphQL Inspector to customize how various change types are handled.


Name Description
RULE_DANGEROUS_TO_BREAKING Turn every dangerous change into a breaking change.
RULE_DEPRECATED_FIELD_REMOVAL_DANGEROUS Treat the removal of a deprecated field as a dangerous change, instead of a breaking change.
RULE_IGNORE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGES Ignore description changes.
RULE_IGNORE_UNREACHABLE Ignore breaking changes on parts of the schema that are not reachable starting from the root types.