This project is in the process of being donated to the CNCF and is not affiliated with the Kubernetes project.
glooctl install gateway

glooctl install gateway

Reference docs for the glooctl install gateway command.

glooctl install gateway

Install kgateway on Kubernetes.


requires kubectl to be installed

glooctl install gateway [flags]


      --create-namespace      Create the namespace to install kgateway into (default true)
  -d, --dry-run               Dump the raw installation yaml instead of applying it to kubernetes
  -f, --file string           Install kgateway from this Helm chart archive file rather than from a release
  -h, --help                  help for gateway
  -n, --namespace string      namespace to install kgateway into (default "kgateway-system")
      --release-name string   helm release name (default "gloo")
      --values strings        List of files with value overrides for the kgateway  Helm chart, (e.g. --values file1,file2 or --values file1 --values file2)
      --version string        version to install (e.g. 1.4.0, defaults to latest)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string              set the path to the glooctl config file (default "<home_directory>/.gloo/glooctl-config.yaml")
  -i, --interactive                use interactive mode
      --kube-context string        kube context to use when interacting with kubernetes
      --kubeconfig string          kubeconfig to use, if not standard one
  -v, --verbose                    If true, output from kubectl commands will print to stdout/stderr