This project is in the process of being donated to the CNCF and is not affiliated with the Kubernetes project.

Style guide

All documentation contributions in kgateway must follow general standards to ensure content is clear, concise, and understandable.


All documentation content must be written in English. Currently, kgateway does not support other languages.

Sentence case

Use sentence case for any content that you add. Sentence case means to capitalize the first word in a sentence and end with a punctuation mark like a period. Do not capitalize words, unless it is a product name, API, or other word that commonly is capatilized.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
Use the HTTPS protocol to send traffic. Use the https protcol to send traffic.
Configure external authentication. Configure External Authentication.

Title case for titles

Use title case for the value of title: in the front matter of your markdown page. Title case capitalizes the first letter in any word.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
Local rate limiting Local Rate Limiting
Shadowing shadowing

Simple, present tense

Use simple, present tense throughout the content that you want to add. Avoid past and future tense, unless it is required to convery the correct information.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
Verify that the pod runs. Verify that the pod is running.
When you click this button, the UI opens. When you click this button, the UI will open.
To create the CORS policy, follow this example. In order to create the CORS policy, look at the example below and follow its instructions.

Active voice

Make sure to use active voice where the subject of the sentence performs the action that is described by the verb.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
You can enhance the security of your gateway with CORS policies. Security of your gateway can be enhanced with CORS policies.
During an update, the management plane cannot update Envoy filters. During an update, there are Envoy filters that it can’t update

“I” and “we”

Avoid “I” and “we” in your content contribution. Instead, phrase sentences in the second-person or use the term user.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
In this topic, set up traffic shadowing. In this topic, we will set up a traffic shadowing.
With kgateway, you can set up advanced traffic routing. We offer advanced traffic routing.

Future statements

Avoid making promises or giving hints about the future releases and features. If you want want to talk about a feature that is still under development, mark it as experimental or beta and use proper callout shortcodes to draw the user’s attention to that information.

Do ✅ Don’t ❌
<omit this information, do not mention> We plan to deliver a new routing feature in the next release.